New Anthology from the CNY Branch Pen Women
Art Speaks, the Catalogue, a new anthology of art and ekphrastic writing, has been published by the NLAPW's Pen Women Press. The anthology will be released on December 1, 2021 and ready for pre-ordering now through book distributors, including Amazon Books and Barnes & Noble online.
Art Speaks, The Catalogue features both original poetry, prose, and the artwork that inspired it. This collection of ekphrastic writing, created by the Central New York (CNY) Branch of the NLAPW, arose out of two major art events in Upstate New York: The Schweinfurth Art Center “Made in New York” juried exhibition in Auburn, New York, and The Edgewood Gallery exhibition “Art Speaks” in Syracuse, New York during the summer of 2021. Pen Women artists’ works were featured in the Edgewood Gallery, Syracuse exhibition and are featured in this anthology. Artists from all over the State of New York were juried into the Schweinfurth exhibition, and some of those works of art appear in this anthology. Pen Women writers set out to create a “conversation” or dialogue around the idea of creating art in different mediums, using these two exhibitions as entrance points for both creation and discussions.
CNY Branch Pen Women artists have long participated in the boutique Edgewood Gallery shows, and the CNY Branch writers have for the past half-dozen years participated in creating ekphrastic poetry and prose inspired by the “Made in New York” juried exhibition at the Schweinfurth, as a way to bring exposure to the arts in area communities and around the State of New York.
Two thirds of the artists featured in this anthology are Pen Women. One third are both men and women artists from around the State who were excited about our Pen Women anthology/dialogue project.